
Do a historical narrative tell where the place is and

Demography Paper

In this project, you are to identify a countryyou would like to explore in the world. You are to select a country that you are familiar with either through travel, readings, discovery channel, television documentaries, etc. When you have identified yourcountry and get it approved by your professor, you are to do the following:

1. Do a historical narrative. Tell where the place is and something about its origin, age, evolution, etc.

2. Then you are to discuss its geographical characteristics. You must include a map or maps. (color preferred) You can always get one off of the internet. Geographical characteristics include physical size, location, climate, etc.

3. Educational characteristics/occupational characteristics, type of education system, how well educated is the population; Universities and colleges and other educational institutions that are there. Percent of population that are illiterate; percent of population that are high school graduates; college graduates, etc.

4. Include in your discussion, something about its people or demographic characteristics; population size, ethnic make up; age and sex profile; fertility rates, mortality rates, death rates, dependency ratio, etc. You are to include a population pyramid (in color in your paper).

5. Then you need to talk about its political history; its government structure. Are they governed by a democracy, dictatorship, communist regime, etc. Political conflicts that have occurred over the years, ethnic strife, etc. Example would be the conflict that have occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

6. Religious history; type of religions; majority versus minority; Muslims versus Describe in detail

7. Economic structure; types of industries; where people are employed; average Family income earned; type of currency; standard of living compared with the rest of the world, poverty rates, etc.

8. Languages, dialects, communication, education system. Types of schools,  Public schools, elementary and high schools, vocational and trade; collegesand universities.

9. Significance or importance of the place and its place in world history. Its major Contributions to the world, culturally, socially, intellectually and economically.

10. What interests you in the selection of the place or region? What connections or  Sense of place or community do you have with this region? How do you identify?

11. Push and Pull factors that have contributed to its current population size and mix. 

Here, you are to include such factors as war, famine, political oppression, ethnic cleansing, tribal wars and conflict among various factions, earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes, natural catastrophes, storms, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, twisters, other environmental hazards, etc. Also any government sanctioned policy or policies that have impacted the population either positively or negatively such as immigration policies, migration policies and patterns, etc.

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English: Do a historical narrative tell where the place is and
Reference No:- TGS02249948

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