
Dmonstrate a perspective on the theory and practice of


Word Limit: 3500 words.

Task 1

A poll has been set up on the Interact site. You are required to nominate which diagnostic tool you would like to learn more about. A small descriptor of each model is available to guide your selection. Based on the results of the poll you can select one (1) of the top three models and this will form the basis of your literature review. This should be done in the first three weeks of the session.

Task 2

A literature review is a review of the literature about a particular topic area - in this case diagnostic models, and in particular those nominated as the three most popular in the poll. You must conduct a literature review of 6 current peer reviewed journal articles that provide a range of views about the diagnostic model you have selected (6 Box Organizational Model). The focus is not so much on description but analysis and evaluation of the range of views presented in the literature reviewed. Analysis involves dissecting the information presented in order to assess the purpose, the main points, and the findings or conclusions of the article and then comparing and contrasting it to others in the review. Evaluation involves making judgments about the value (both positive and negative) of the research on the specific topic area. So you need to:

a) Critically examine assumptions and propositions of the literature relevant to the diagnostic model selected;

b) Present an evidence-based discussion of your findings that is grounded in relevant academic and professional literature. All information sources must be correctly cited and presented in a reference list at the end of the essay.

Task 3

There are four videos on the management of change that can be viewed online at: https://www.abc.net.au/tv/stressbuster/ Try to watch one each week to get a sense of the issues; the four organizations represented are:


2. Express Link

3. Swan Care

4. W.A. Police Communications

Each is relatively brief (15 mins approximately) and there are PDF files of the case notes that can also assist you. Select one organization (Express Link) and apply the diagnostic model you have conducted the literature review on, to evaluate the areas that need attention.
So you will need to:

a) Apply the elements of the model to the case study;

b) Insightful evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each aspect and causal links discussed in depth;

c) Present a summary of your findings - is the model useful in diagnosing the organization? What are the main areas of organisational weakness that could be addressed with 3-4 targeted OD interventions?


By the end of this assessment task, students should be able to:

• Demonstrate a perspective on the theory and practice of organizational change, through examination of relevant current research.

• Describe several techniques and methods for the diagnosis of external and internal pressures for change in organizations.

Referencing & Presentation

• Use of research and writing skills.

• Language is appropriate: reflects 300 academic level and is neither-colloquial, nor opinion-based.

• In-text citations

• Draws on appropriate academic literature.

• Complete and correct reference list in APA 6th (more than 20 references)

• Grammar and mechanics (e.g. spelling and punctuation) are accurate.

• Within word limit.

• Presentation clear and in essay format.

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Business Management: Dmonstrate a perspective on the theory and practice of
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