
Division of health and social care - plymouth marjon


Case Study - Veering Between the Heroin addiction andthe Wife and Kids

Using the Case Study complete the following Assessment Criteria to Pass, gain Merit &/or Distinction in the Assignment.

To gain a pass grade the following criteria as shown below need to be completed

Task 1.1 With Reference to the case study; explain the impact of significant life events on individuals, namely James and Sarah.

Task 1.2 Analyze possible group responses to significant life events that occur to one of its members (examine James and Sarah's Friends' and co-workers' response to his addiction).

Task 1.3 Taking the case study in to consideration, analyze the impact for others in health and social care (Michael and Nick) when an individual experiences significant life events.

To gain a merit grade the following criteria as shown below must be met

M1: Analyze concepts, theories or principles to formulate a response to deal with Sarah's addiction.

To gain a distinction grade the following criteria as shown below must be met
D1: Evaluate approaches to develop strategies in response to actual or anticipated situations.

To gain a pass grade the following criteria as shown below need to be completed

Task 2.1 Looking at the case study, evaluate the effectiveness of organizational policies and procedures in supporting James and Sarahand their social networks affected by their significant life event.

Task 2.2 Explain how others in social networks may provide support to James and Sarah.

Task 2.3 Evaluate the suitability of external sources of support for those affected by significant life events with reference to the case study.

To gain a merit grade the following criteria as shown below must be met

M2: What policies, schemes in your opinion, should be implemented to support families dealing with a challenging life event such as a bereavement or terminal illness.

To gain a distinction grade the following criteria as shown below must be met

D2: Evaluate the external sources and social networks are available to supports families dealing with a challenging life event such as bereavement.

To gain a pass grade the following criteria as shown below need to be completed

Task 3.1 Analyze possible organizational responses to the need to support James and Sarah who are experiencing a significant life event.

Task 3.2 Reflect on own personal contributions to the support of individuals experiencing significant life events. Have you ever helped someone experiencing a significant life event?

Task 3.3 Make recommendations for improving the support available in a health and social care organization for individuals and their social networks when affected by Heroin Addiction as in the case study.

To gain a merit grade the following criteria as shown below must be met
M3: Provide an extensive list of references from a variety of sources at the end of your assignment and also support your argument with in-text referencing (both Harvard style).

To gain a distinction grade the following criteria as shown below must be met
D3: Demonstrate lateral and creative thinking.

Word limit is between 2500-4000 words

Attachment:- Case Study.rar

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Dissertation: Division of health and social care - plymouth marjon
Reference No:- TGS02823624

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