Question 1: Illustrate the factors determining the dividend policy of an MNC?
Question 2: Describe with the help of example the impact of exchange rate volatility on the dividend decision of the multinational Company?
Question 3: How international taxation influences the dividend decisions of a multinational firm?
Question 4: What are various theories of dividend decisions?
Question 5: Describe the principles governing taxation policy of MNCs. Explain the reasons for varying tax structure among the countries?
Question 6: Explain tax treaties, tax heavens and categorization of income.
Question 7: Examine the rules governing taxes on the MNCs operating in developing country with respect to Income Tax Act.
Question 8: Illustrate long-term sources of funds for a multinational company?
Question 9: What you mean by the term Euro-Issue? Describe the various types of Euro-issues.
Question 10: What do you mean by the term Global Depository Receipts? Describe the benefits and drawbacks of issuing GDR to issuing company.
Question 11: What do you mean by the term internationalization of capital markets? Describe the advantages of internationalization of the capital markets.