
Divide the sodium hydroxidecharge into 10 smaller charges

An operator is injured when he ismixing up dilute sodium hydroxide solution by adding solid sodium hydroxide to an open tank containing water. He adds the sodiumhydroxide too fast, and the heat of dilution causes the solution toerupt from the open tank splashing the operator. What is theinherently safest approach to preventing a recurrence of thisincident?

a. Buy sodium hydroxide solution from the supplierat the required concentration and eliminate the mixingoperation.

b. Divide the sodium hydroxidecharge into 10 smaller charges, and add them one at a time, makingsure that each is well mixed and the tank temperature has stoppedincreasing before adding the next charge.

c. Reprimand the operator foradding the sodium hydroxide too fast, and hold a meeting to remindall of the other operators to add sodium hydroxideslowly.

d. Design a closed system tocharge solid sodium hydroxide to a closed tank, so the tank isnever open to the work environment.

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Civil Engineering: Divide the sodium hydroxidecharge into 10 smaller charges
Reference No:- TGS0662134

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