Divide a sheet of paper in half, making two columns. In the left column, list what you like about a significant person, event, OR belief. In the right column, write down what you dislike. Make a fairly decent sized list, at least seven or eight in each column. Randomly circle two ideas in the like column, then two ideas in the dislike column. Number these four ideas, starting with a like, then a dislike, then back to a like again. e.g. 1) rainbows 2) bloody noses 3) warm soup 4) pop quizzes Write a paragraph, or two, where you move from subject one to two to three to four. A bad transition is one which just jumps suddenly from one idea to another with no idea logically connecting the two. Good transitions also do not stray too far from the main idea of the writing (i.e. don't just ramble).This paragraph should be logical, coherent, and unified.