
Diversity issues and turnover

Help needed in developing a topical outline for Chapter of a dissertation. Must follow a chronological or other rational organizational scheme using the topic list attached that provides a foundation for how to categorize and explore the literature.

Workforce Diversity and Organizational Outcomes:

Diversity issues and turnover:

This subject is very much a part of what organizations need to know to prevent turnovers. Turnovers increase costs exponentially because of the costs involved in the hiring process and training of new personnel (Findler, Wind &Mor Barak, 2007).  Also, policies and procedures for conflict resolution must be in place and some of those processes are costly.

Conflict and diversity:

This area has been studied, but it is always changing. The problem with conflict is that most people look on it as a problem rather than as a path to greater understanding, better synergy, and solutions to problems. Conflict that is not managed costs time and money, decreases productivity, leads to turnover issues, and affects the reputation of companies (Pinto & Pinto, 2011).

Diversity management costs:

This can be approached from how much it gains a company to have a well-managed program. New ideas, better solutions, and different approaches can be gains when diversity works (White, Zangaro, Kepley& Camacho, 2014). It can cost money, productivity, and business when it is not.

Diversity and organizational culture:

The culture of a company is important. It can point to a progressive company where people want to work. It can also mean better access to key people, people with diverse backgrounds and talents, with knowledge and experience across the organization. Acceptance of individuals, not matter the race, ethnicity, or other factor means the potential for people to want to work for the company. It also means that people are willing to show compassion, something vital to the world’s economy (Labedz& Berry, 2013).

Diversity and talent:

Human capital is the most important asset a company can have. Companies in the global market need talent and diverse talent to accomplish the goals of the company (Guajardo, 2013).  Vision and mission are improved with diverse talent and understanding of various problems, populations, and how they can be resolved in the market is what companies need to bring about success.


Findler, L., Wind, L. H., &Mor Barak, M. E. (2007). The Challenge of Workforce Management in a Global Society: Modeling the Relationship Between Diversity, Inclusion, Organizational Culture, and Employee Well-Being, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment. Administration In Social Work, 31(3), 63-94. doi:10.1300/J147v31n0305

Guajardo, S. A. (2013). Workforce Diversity: An Application of Diversity and Integration Indices to Small Agencies.Public Personnel Management, 42(1), 27-40. doi:10.1177/0091026013484573

LabedzJr, C., & Berry, G. (2013). Emerging Systemic-Structural Threats to Workforce  Diversity: Beyond Inadequate Agency. Journal OfOrganisational Transformation & Social Change, 10(3), 218-237. doi:10.1179/1477963313Z.00000000017

Pinto, A., & Pinto, P. (2011).Leveraging the Power of Differences: Workforce Diversity.SCMS  Journal Of Indian Management, 8(2), 27-39.

White, K., Zangaro, G., Kepley, H., & Camacho, A. (2014). The Health Resources and Services

Administration diversity data collection.Public Health Reports (Washington, D.C.: 1974), 129 Suppl 251-56.

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