
Dive a brief overview of each case then discuss the motive

Conduct research on the five criminal bomber cases listed below.

• Oklahoma City bomber: Timothy McVeigh

• Unabomber: Theodore Kaczynski

• Atlanta Olympic and Abortion Clinic bomber: Eric Rudolph

• Mad Bomber: George Metesky

• Courthouse Bomber: Donny Love


First, give a brief overview of each case, then discuss the motive for each bomber, the intent of each bomber and types of devices each used.

Compare and contrast these five cases. How are these bombers similar? What sets them apart?

This report must be at least 6 pages of written text.

The entire paper must be your original work.

Additional Resources that may help with your assignment...

Use the APA style guide to format this research paper

Textbook Criminal Investigation:

Hess, K. M., Orthmann, C. H., & Cho, H. L. (2017). Criminal Investigation, 11th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage.

Read chapters fifteen, sixteen and seventeen from our textbook

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Dissertation: Dive a brief overview of each case then discuss the motive
Reference No:- TGS02606990

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