The health care system majorly focuses on the healthy state of a nation. The public health promotion and protection is certainly an early function of any government due to the need of a healthy lifestyle by the community. The United States budgets more in its per capita on health care in comparison to any other country. However, despite the high expenditures on health care, the general standards of health on issues such as infant mortality as well as life expectancy are not very high (Davis, 2009).
The U.S experiencing challenges affecting on its health issue to the majority of the population, these challenges occur due to the enormous health care cost, therefore making accessibility to health services difficult. The Americans, therefore, do not fare better concerning its health status despite the high spending, unlike other countries which may spend less but have greater access to health care services (Shih, 2007). The current state of the U.S health care is on insurance coverage. The transformation in the U.S health care presents a challenge in the health care due to the nations' generation of baby boomers. The baby boomers movement to the middle adulthood is a contributing factor in the Social Security strain outcry.
The Social Security is concerned regarding the high amount it spends on health care issues. This is due the fact that those who are in the working generations comprise the generation of baby boomers which is the America's largest population (Travers, 2008).The observation is that they are living longer but on the contrary, they are retiring earlier and also saving less for their retirement benefits. This will impact negatively on the Social security due to the high number of population which is headed for retirement and consequently to an increase in the amount they will pay for their retirement, and this will result in financial strain regarding that they carried out fewer savings. The social security is, therefore, aiming at formulating measures to ensure long-term social security solvency (Hunnicutt, 2011).
Proposals were to increase the retirement age to handle the situation while in the other case, social workers act proposed older workers to retire for younger workers to get jobs. This uncertainty in how to manage the social security crisis psychologically affects this generation as they are not confident about their future benefits. The U.S health care reforms focus on entrance to a new phase, and the emphasis is a shift in the expansion of the health coverage to realize an improvement in health care delivery, the medical professionals' further focus on policies development meant to shape the health care industry (Dacey, 2008). Moreover, the United States ranks near the bottom among the surveyed countries concerning the public trust relating to the physicians. This is regarding the public opinion data in which a study of 29 industrialized nations.
The Universal health care in the U.S adopts mechanism such as the single-payer system, and these are in-cooperated in states such as Canada, where the system thus focuses on a single health insurer for its health care services. Other nations such as Netherlands exhibits universal coverage which is under a multi-payer system, whereby people have a choice among the competing institutions providing the health care insurers services (Shih, 2007). The system of single-payer, use in the economic leads to the overall objective of cost reduction through reduced quantity of services at low prices. The system may experiences shortages during delivery consequently resulting in queues (Hunnicutt, 2011). The single payer system further presents no market incentive in the provision of quality health care of an individual hospital. The multi-payer systems on health insurers focus more on the delivery of quality health care thus avoiding the issue of competition.
The single payer system encourages universal health care through its mechanism of allowing all individuals to enroll with no concern on the health condition of the person. However, in the situation of a multi-payer system, due to the effect of competition, the health insurer has the incentive of avoiding the costly and highly during enrollment, the focus being the less expensive as well as, the less risk. Moreover, the multi-payer system of ensuring a healthier and less costly enrollment is through the requirement of medical examination and covering denial for pre-existing conditions (Travers, 2008).
The establishment of ‘Affordable Care Act (ACA),' known as ObamaCare, is a development in the health care sector, its focus is achievement universal health care to the Americans citizens. The ObamaCare's objective is to present a greater opportunity to the Americans citizens' accessibility to health insurance coverage which is affordable and of better quality (Hunnicutt, 2011). Its establishment, therefore, focuses on cost reduction on government expenditure on health care, a situation which affects the accessibility of majority of the population to health care. Moreover, the mechanism of operation of the Act promotes consumer protections, regulation and insurance exchanges hence leading to its affordability and therefore private as well as public health insurance can be accessible to the greater population (Davis, 2009). The ObamaCare focus is therefore to regulate the health insurance and not the health care regulation.
The ObamaCare highlight significant processes in the health care sector, thus promoting the health care of the nation; it stops the insurance companies from coverage denial and cases of overcharging. The Act further protects the patients' rights from insurance companies that may abandon them in their sickness. Furthermore, the Act prevents gender discrimination in the health care delivery services. This, therefore, ensures equity in the provision of services to the general community (Davis, 2009). The employees in any country are advocated that there is enough expansion regarding people coverage. The ObamaCare further regulates on the health care delivery to its citizens. It sensitizes large organizations to ensure that all its employees are insured. Therefore, the general focus of ObamaCare is to make sure that there is sustainability to the future health to the general population (Travers, 2008).
The Senate Bill HB 707, advocates the influence on the citizens to support the voluntary expansion in the health care industry. The state shall focus on the achievement of this through its mobilization of its money, human resources, and assets to ensure the development of the health care facilities. The state enforces the affordability of the health care through its law enforcement in all the institutions of employment, therefore making a contribution towards the realization of universal health care provision to the general community (Shih, 2007).
The organized health care delivery will lead to high performance in health care facilities. These medical facilities will, therefore, be able to handle issues such as poor quality of health care. Moreover, it ensures prevention of medical errors due to the systematic coordination in service delivery at these institutions (Hunnicutt, 2011). The outline of its mission and objective in an organized environment presents an objective of these organizations to aim for high performance and attain a scorecard in the States healthcare. Health insurers are an example of organized health care delivery systems. Therefore, ObamaCare insurance has significantly contributed to the improvement of health care provision. It ensures cost reduction through elimination of limit to its citizens (Shih, 2007).
The consumer-driven plans establishment was in 2001, and it involves of high-deductible as a means to later stand for services in a health care. However, a scenario can arise whereby the amount made for payment may be less than the amount of premiums paid. Therefore in the actual sense, payment after the service delivery could have been the preference in covering the medical expense. However, scenarios can arise where the price set of a given medical care may be extremely high. Therefore, the amount of deductibles may not be equivalent to the patient savings (Davis, 2009).