
Distribution to calculate probability of event

Every day for 100 days 72 samples were taken of fuses rated at 6A and measures the current that they burn out. A hypothesis test of H0: u=6 vs H1: u=/=6 where u is the mean burnout current of that day. One 5 of the days, H0 is rejected at the 5% level.

a) Use the binomial distribution to calculate the probability of an event with p=.05 occuring 5 or more times out of 100. Use central limit thrm (with continuity correction).

b) Does rejecting the null hypothesison 5 of 100 days provide conclusive evidence that the mean burnout was different from 6A on at least one of the 100 days?

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Basic Statistics: Distribution to calculate probability of event
Reference No:- TGS0724757

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