distribution of the packagein the last 12 years

Distribution of the Package:

In the last 12 years of its existence CDS/ISIS software has become one of the most popular packages of its kind. It is estimated that there are about 20,000 users of this package distributed all over the world. Although, Unesco distributes directly many copies of the package from Paris, the policy is to promote the establishment of distribution centres in as many countries as possible, provided the number of users is significant so as to reduce the financial burden on Unesco. There are 138 officially appointed distributors around the World of which 72 are national members of Unesco. The conditions for the use of CDS/ISIS are specified in the form of a license Agreement signed between UNESCO (or the official distributor) and the receiving institution. The package is distributed free of charge or at cost price) for non-profit making organisations. The basic information relating to CDS/ISIS package may be. found, from the Internet CDS/ISIS Home Page.  

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Software Engineering: distribution of the packagein the last 12 years
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