
distribution coefficient - terminologies used in

Distribution Coefficient - Terminologies used in Chromatography?

During the purification or separation of the biomolecules it should be kept in mind that two important factors influence the resolution (separation) of a mixture of compounds. These are effective distribution coefficient (i.e. the ratio of the amount present in one phase divided by the amount present in the other phase) and the length of the column. Thus, the basis for all forms of chromatography is the partition or distribution coefficient, wherein a compound distributes itself between two immiscible phases. For a compound distributing itself between equal volumes of two immiscible solvents A and B, the value of this coefficient is constant at a given temperature. The distribution coefficient can thus be described as:

Distribution coefficient/partition coefficient = Concentration in solvent A/ Concentration in solvent B

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Biology: distribution coefficient - terminologies used in
Reference No:- TGS0305871

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