Some of the reserves mentioned are illustrated with the accounts of Swire Pacific Limited shown in Exhibit. Swire Pacific Limited is based in Hong Kong and is one of the largest companies in the world. The primary operations of the company are in the regions of Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan, where it has operated for more than 125 years. Swire operates Cathay Pacific Airways and has extensive real estate holdings in Hong Kong. As you can see from the amounts included in its calculation, the "revenue reserve" is generally equivalent to what we call "retained earnings." The "investment revaluation reserve" is equivalent to the accumulated unrealized gain or loss on available-for-sale securities. Thus, the legal limit on dividend payments by Swire Pacific is HK$14.151 billion.
Question 1. Recall that the primary purpose of defining different reserve categories is to distinguish between distributable and nondistributable equity. As of December 31, 2009, how much of Swire Pacific's equity is distributable?
Question 2. What is the U.S. equivalent of Swire Pacific's revenue reserve?
Question 3. What do you think is the purpose of the capital redemption reserve?
(In millions of HK dollars) Revenue Share Capital Investment
Reserve Premium redemption Revaluation
Account reserve reserve
At 1st january 2009 13,292 342 49 (41)
Profit for the year 3,989 _ _ _
Other comprehensive income
net fair value gains on available-for-sale assets
- recognized during the year _ _ _ 55
- transferred to operating profit _ _ _ (16)
Total compreehensive income for the year 3,989 _ _ 39
2008 final dividend (2,227) _ _ _
2009 interim dividend (903) _ _ _
At 31st December 2009 14,151 342 49 (2)