
Distinguishing type casting and type conversion

Question 1)a) Write down the functions related to the header file time.h.

(b) Give the example of function returning pointer.

(c) Write down the difference between fseek() and ftell().

(d) What is enumerated data type?

(e) What do you understand by function Prototype?

(f) What will be the output of the following:

int a = 5, b, c ;
b = ++a:
c = a++;

Printf(“%d %d %d \n”, a,b,c)

(g) Distinguish between type casting and type conversion.

(h) Is array index out of bounds allowed in C? Justify your answer.

(i) Which is better amongst the Binary search and Linear search and why?

(j) Why there is a need of structure initialization?

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C/C++ Programming: Distinguishing type casting and type conversion
Reference No:- TGS08238

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