
Distinguishing existential and universal quantifiers

Question 1) Write short notes on the following:

(a) What do you mean by Syntax and Semantics?

(b) Describe Fuzzy logic?

(c) What are Parse Trees?

(f) What are normal forms in Propositional Logic?

(g) Distinguish between Existential and Universal Quantifiers.

(h) Describe the terms fact, consequence and valid argument in propositional Logic.

(i) Describe First order Logic?

(j) Distinguish between Crisp sets and Fuzzy sets.

Question 2) Write a program to determine GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of a number using Prolog.

Question 3) Distinguish between cut and negation case studies.

Question 4) Write a program to determine that the year entered through user is a leap year or not using prolog.

Question 5) How world knowledge is represented using propositional logic?

Question 6) Describe structured data representation in prolog. What are the data structures available in prolog?

Question 7) Write a program in prolog which prints all the Armstrong numbers between 1 and 500. (If the sum of cubes of each digit of a number is equal to number itself, then the number is called an Armstrong Number).

Question 8) Write note on the following:

(a) Neural Networks.

(b) SLD Trees

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Theory of Computation: Distinguishing existential and universal quantifiers
Reference No:- TGS08363

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