
Distinguishing bottom up and top-down testing

1) Explain the definition of constant and what are its different types used in C.?

2) Explain the different kinds of library functions used in C language?

3) How can you apply arithmetic operations on strings?

4) Describe the meaning of the dangling pointer? What kind of problems it can cause?

5) Give reason for why for loop is most popular among programmers?

6) Write down the similarity and differences between the conditional control statement and null statement?

7) Explain the structure tag and what is its objectives?

8) Write down the order of precedence of all the C++ operators.

9) Describe the different IF statements and why the ladder IF statement is used?

10) What do you understand by classes in classes?

11) Explain the meaning of multiple inheritances?

12) Distinguish between bottom up and top-down testing.

13) Distinguish between structural and integration testing?

14) Describe the software quality attributes.

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Computer Engineering: Distinguishing bottom up and top-down testing
Reference No:- TGS09347

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