
Distinguishing associative learning at different abstraction

Assignment task: Read Repetition Priming In Amnesia: Distinguishing associative learning at different levels of abstraction (2019) by Race et al.

1. Given the conclusions drawn by the authors of this study, what specific unanswered questions remain concerning this research topic?

2. Are there alternative methods, participant populations, tasks that might address this research question in a different way and further develop our understanding of the topic?

3. Are there alternative interpretations of the authors' findings to consider? Is there a way to design a follow-up study that could differentiate between these alternatives?

4. Authors will often describe remaining questions and/or limitations of their study in their discussion. So, consider their reflections as well, as you reflect on these questions. How might these limitations impact the interpretation of their results or lead to an alternative conclusion?

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Other Subject: Distinguishing associative learning at different abstraction
Reference No:- TGS03273201

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