
Distinguished researcher thomas h davenport states that

Learning Activity:

Distinguished researcher, Thomas H. Davenport, states that "Technology has been perhaps the single most important intervention in knowledge worker performance over the past couple of decades." He goes on to list PCs, specialized software, PDAs, and other mobile technologies. Your Dalkir readings also provides a treasure trove of information about KM technology pertinent to our personal needs. So, how productive is the technology we all use?

Your task is to name and evaluate the benefits (e.g., time saving) and drawbacks (e.g., time wasting) of the personal technology you use regularly. Pick and evaluate at least three personal technologies. Emphasize productivity in your analysis and evaluation.As appropriate, specifically address benefits and drawbacks related to accomplishing Tycho online course activities. I recommend that you create a chart (see sample below) to represent the technology, benefits, drawbacks, and comments followed by a brief comment on a key learning. Integrate and cite your readings from Dalkir, and at least one other relevant source.

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Business Management: Distinguished researcher thomas h davenport states that
Reference No:- TGS01384428

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