Problem 1: Will the flow of networked information into and through organizations overwhelm them? Why?
Problem 2: Distinguish between the traditional ideas of "data", "information", and "knowledge", explain how the internet is making these distinguishes increasingly unhelpful.
With the assistance of the following readings:
- Blair, A. (2010) Information Overload, Then and Now. The Chronicle of Higher Education Review. November 28.Retrieved November 15, 2010 from
- Bellinger, G., Castro, D., & Mills, A. (2004) Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom. The Way of Systems. November 15, 2010 from
- Green, P. (2010 ) Social Media Is Challenging Notions of the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom (DIKW) Hierarchy. CMS Wire. August 16. Retrieved November 25, 2010 from
- Marks, O. (2010) Information Clutter Busting & Organization. ZDNet: Collaboration 2.0. August 1. Retrieved November 25, 2010 from