Distinguish the various functions of the integument


General Reflection Requirements

Active participation in this class is a must. A large part of your final grade will be based on the weekly reflection assignments. You should post thoughtful replies that answer all prompts by the due date. You need not reply to classmates' posts in the reflection assignment. You should use at least one source to support your statements and cite this source using in-text citation and listing the complete reference at the end of your post in accordance with APA guidelines.

If you have questions about this participation requirement, post them to the Course Q&A Discussion forum.

Refer to the syllabus for a complete breakdown of the expectations.

See the weekly discussion rubric for grading criteria.


Select two of the unit student learning outcome (USLO) prompts below to respond to in this week's reflection.

a) Distinguish the various functions of the integument.
b) Differentiate the structure and functions of the epidermis.
c) Differentiate the structure and functions of the dermis.
d) Differentiate the structure and functions of the subcutaneous.
e) Distinguish the accessory structures of the integument.
f) Differentiate homeostatic imbalances of the integumentary system.

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Biology: Distinguish the various functions of the integument
Reference No:- TGS03352368

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