Assignment task: Discuss the following:
Q1. What is the difference between subaqueous eruptions & subaerial eruptions?
Q2. Do all volcanic eruptions produce mountains? Explain.
Q3. What is a mantle plume?
Q4. Differentiate between the conditions resulting in the 2 types of eruptions: effusive & explosive.
Q5. What are some of the different type of volcanoes?
Q6. What is a caldera?
Q7. 2 types of underwater mountains are the seamount & the guyot (pronounced gee-yo ["hard" "g" as in go]). What is the difference between the 2?
Q8. Mauna Kea is located on the "Big Island" of Hawaii. Why is it considered to be the "tallest" mountain in the world?
Q9. What is pillow lava?