
Distinguish genus-species eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells

Assignment task:

1.  Review Scales: deci, milli, micro, nano, pico etc. Achievements of famous scientists (Ehrlich, Pasteur, Jenner, Fleming etc.)

2. History: Was microscopic life always known to cause disease? Forms of microscopic life (bacteria, viriae, fungi etc.) and how they relate in size.

3. Distinguish Genus and Species Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic cells.

4. Gram Stain: Materials, colours, steps, how does it work Endotoxins, exotoxins, differences Categorize bacteria by different means (temperature, acidity, oxygen etc).

5. Terms for cold loving, heat loving, etc. Categorize bacteria by their use of oxygen (from aerobic to anaerobic) What are cyanobacteria, significance?

6. Antibiotics: when were they found and introduced, definition, modes of action. CDHBC interpretation guidelines on the use of antibiotics

7.  Can Dental Unit Waterlines make sick? (see handout literature)

8. How does caries begin (microscopically)?

9. Role of Veillonella spp. in caries (see handout literature).

10. Can toothpaste kill children, and if so, how much would they have to ingest?

11. What is rubberdam used for? Does the MMR vaccine cause autism? (see handout literature)

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Biology: Distinguish genus-species eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
Reference No:- TGS03380967

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