Assignment task: Include In-Text Citation from references provided:
1. From the readings and viewing of videos, what is the difference between gender, gender identity and sexual orientation?
2. Why is this important for social workers to have a good understanding of this topic? Will you find this information helpful in your future career?
3. Would this population be a specific area you would like to explore in your career?
A Gender Agenda. (2019, October 23). What is gender diversity?
Gender Spectrum.
TED. (2019, February 11). The biology of gender, from DNA to the brain | Karissa Sanbonmatsu [Video]. Youtube.
Osmosis. (2020, June 18). Sexual orientation and gender identity [Video]. YouTube.
Nwachukwu, P. T. T., & Asuelime, R. A. (2020). Social Justice Advocacy Implementation in Rural Settings. Gender & Behaviour, 18(1), 15069-15089. Retrieved from EBSCO Muti-search database in TUW Library.