
Distinguish between the value of p and the p-value

Discuss the below:

Q: In 280 trials with a professional touch therapist, correct responses to a question were obtained 1223 times. The P-value of 0.979 is obtained when testing the claim that p > 0.5 (the proportion of correct responses is greater than the proportion of 0.5 that would be expected with random chance). What is the value of the sample proportion? Based on the P-value of 0.979, what should we conclude about the claim that p > 0.5?

a. Distinguish between the value of p and the P-value

b. If the P is low the null must go. If the p is high, the null will fly. What does this mean?


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Basic Statistics: Distinguish between the value of p and the p-value
Reference No:- TGS01916867

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