
Distinguish appropriate marketing strategies and tactics

Read carefully and completa all part with good information WK4 Please APA format 600 hundred at less 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Distinguish appropriate marketing strategies and tactics given the SWOTs that exist for a firm
  • Assess internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats (SWOTs) that emerge from a situation analysis
  • Select and evaluate managerial accounting and finance tools that are appropriate in marketing management

Social Media Strategy Assignment and Rubric

Based on the company you have selected for Weeks 1-3 assignments - I selected The Tesla Motor ( you did last week the last homework) , you will be responsible for the company's social media strategy to convey to the public the new direction that the company is taking. You will create a digital promotional piece that can be shared via social media platforms. Acceptable promotional pieces include, but are not limited to blogs, YouTube videos, Facebook page, Landing page, sequence of tweets, etc. Whichever tool you select should include the following content:

  1. Apology, explanation or clarification of the problem or past behavior

  2. Presentation of the Company's new vision, mission and values

  3. Describe the new goals/objectives

  4. Include a call-for-action button (a share, subscribe, donate, enter to win, etc...)

Although you do not have to aim to get your digital promotional piece to go viral, you should be original. Originality is one of the most important factors that determines the virality* of a video, blog, etc. You may want to consider an interaction component (such as a contest) to your promotional piece; remember the "ice-bucket challenge"? This piece, not only went viral, it resulted in millions of dollars being raised for ALS.

You will provide a link to your social media piece under the Discussion Forum titled "Social Media Strategy" to share with the class and Professor. In the "Message" Box, provide a short paragraph explaining your choice of "piece" and social media platform; along with the link.

* the tendency of an image, video, or piece of information to be circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another; the quality or fact of being viral.

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Marketing Management: Distinguish appropriate marketing strategies and tactics
Reference No:- TGS02185728

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