Distinctive Features of Case Study:
a.Increase of Knowledge: like the historical method the traditional case study method also serves a dual purpose. While intensive investigation of a single case is made for the purpose of increasing our general knowledge in the area it may also be used for the ultimate purpose of making a practical improvement in the specific instance examined.
b.Development of Hypotheses: Case study leads not only to well established conclusion but also to the development of empirical hypotheses. This is because it is based upon one or a few examples be which may vary in a number of ways from other units. The case study alone can never be considered as adequate evidence for some particular generalization in a well developed and highly structured situation except in those instances in which the contingencies are sufficiently controlled to guarantee generalizability of the results or where the sole concern is with the particular instance at hand.
c. Flexibility : Here the investigator has latitude and apparent general freedom with respect to the type and amount of data gathered the sources of information and the procedures uses to gather the information. Due to this sometimes a case study may not result into a systematic scientific study of a problem at all.
d.Application to troubled Situations: These days case study method is used more and more in a preventive way rather than as a therapy after a situation has broken down. Most frequent application of the case study approach is in the study of persons or situation which have gone away. A riot suddenly occurs in what had been regarded a peaceful community. Through case study one tries to find out way it began.