
Distance described in emprical exercise e43 run a

Using the data set College

Distance described in Emprical Exercise E4.3, run a regression of years of completed education (ED) on dsitance to the nearest college (Dist) and carry out the following exercises.

a) Is the estimated regression slope coefficient statistically significant? That is , can you reject the null hypothesis Ho:(beta1=0)  versus a two sided alternative at the 10% , 5% , or 1% significance level? What is the p-value aasociated with coefficient's t-statistic?

b) Construct a 95% confidence interval for the slope coefficient.

c) Run the regression using data only on females and repeat(b)

d) Run the regression using data only on males and repeat (b)

e) Is the effect of distance on completed years of education different for men than for women? (Hint: See exercise 5.15 )


 Records comparing unemployment rates and property crime rates (per 1,000) were gathered in a state for the years 1975 - 2005 (n = 31). Below is the scatterplot, regression line, and corresponding statistics for these 31 years.


Property Crime -vs- Unemployment
x = Unemployment Rate (in %)
y = Property Crime Rate (in crimes per 1,000 people)

correlation coefficient:
r = 0.7559

regression equation:
 = 2.47x + 29.8

sample size:
n = 31

Answer the following questions regarding this relationship.

(a) Is there a significant linear correlation between these variables?



(b) What percentage of the variation in property crime rate can be explained by the linear relation to the unemployment rate? Express you answer as a percentage with one decimal place.
___ %

(c) What is the expected property crime rate (in crimes per 1,000 people) if the unemployment rate is 5.50 percent? Round your answer to one decimal place.

_____crimes per 1,000 people

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Dissertation: Distance described in emprical exercise e43 run a
Reference No:- TGS02661765

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