Determine the velocity of motion of the Pacific Plate over the Hawaiian hotspot. The volcano that formed the island of Niihau is 5.2 million years old. Velocity is the distance travelled over a period of time. The distance travelled is equal to the distance from the present location of the hotspot (southeast Hawaii) to Niihau. Time is the difference between the age of volcanic activity on Niihau and the age of volcanic activity at the modern location of the hotspot.
a) What is the distance between the modern hotspot location (southeast Hawaii) and Niihau? Use the scale on the map to obtain this distance in kilometres.
b) To determine the average velocity (kilometres per million years) of motion of the Pacific Plate, divide the distance to Niihau by the age of the island (5.2 million years).c) Convert your answer to m a?1 (metres per year).
d) Using this rate, estimate how far the Pacific Plate will move in 50 years.
e) In what direction is the Pacific Plate travelling at this location? Explain.