The above network diagram exhibits the activities required for a project. The durations indicated on the diagram are in days.
Conditions after 15 days of working are:
- Activities A, B and C are completed as planned
- Activity G is in process and will be completed in 3 more days
- Activity F is in process and will need 18 more days for completion
- Activity L has not started and appears to present difficulty - its new estimated completion time is 12 days
Other activities have not started at all
Question1. On the basis of the above facts, you are compulsory to present a new work breakdown structure for the remaining activities (i.e. tasks, duration and dependencies).
Question2. Compute the time remaining for the project to be completed. (Tip: on the basis of the new work breakdown structure, draw a new network diagram and use it to compute remaining time)
Question3. One risk in IT projects is the mobility of crucial IT staff. Taking in consideration the 3 dissimilar approaches to risk mitigation and the motivational aspects of IT staff, explain measures you would suggest tackling this risk.