
dissertation writing help - the creative leader

Dissertation Writing Help - The Creative Leader: An Asset or a Hindrance for Organisational Creativity and Innovation?

I need a Custom Dissertation Writing Service on "The Creative Leader: An Asset or a Hindrance for Organisational Creativity and Innovation?"

This study sheds some light on how a creative leader correlates to organisational creativity. Based on the literature review, a conceptual model referred to as the Leadership Influence Model is developed. The model designates the creative leader (the influencing factor) as the factor that influences a number of organisational realities: mission and objectives, people, internal environment, external environment, systems and structures, inhibitors and fosterers. In turn each organisational reality is deemed to influence the creativity level of the organisation's products and services and the creativity level of the organisation itself (referred to as the consequence). The research evaluates this model amongst three Information Communication Technology companies operating in Malta. Each organisation represents one of the categories that are deemed to characterise the Maltese ICT industry.

The leaders of the three organisations were first assessed for their level of creativity; interviews were then held with them to gather further insights on the subject matter. Data was collated through questionnaires from the employees (NA=181 for case-study organisation A, NB=38 for case-study organisation B and NC=18 for case-study organisation C). The results indicate that various aspects characterise creative leaders; that creative leaders influence each of the organisational realities, albeit to different levels; that the organisational realities correlate to the consequence; and that the influencing factor also correlates to the consequence. The research further reveals that differences due to organisational characteristics (such as job roles and reporting relationships) exist. A comparative analysis is held for the three organisations. The results are interpreted and a number of recommendations, including a revised model, are put forward

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Term Paper: dissertation writing help - the creative leader
Reference No:- TGS0374771

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