Dissertation writing help - Role of Evaluation and Professional Development
Custom Dissertation Writing Service - The Role of Evaluation and Professional Development Practices in Advancing Mastery of Principal Practice
The purpose of this dissertation is to explore and describe the existing systems used for principal evaluation in school districts in Wisconsin and evaluate, in what ways and to what extent, these systems advance the practice of principals towards mastery of accepted leadership standards in the field. As we adopt new models of leadership for learning and the role of the principal changes to encompass a broader array of expectations within that role, traditional performance evaluation procedures can no longer suffice. Principal evaluation must incorporate a formative process along with mechanisms for professional development in order to support growth towards and mastery of identified leadership standards for principals.
This study may use a mixed method design to evaluate the question: In what ways and to what extent do current principal evaluation systems address the advancement of principal practice towards mastery of accepted identified leadership standards? A survey of principals in the state of Wisconsin regarding principal evaluation practices will inform selection of 3-5 districts for further case study and analysis, with a goal of identifying features of effective principal evaluation, design and implementation.
This study will be guided by four important assumptions. First, effectual evaluation is formative in nature rather than simply summative. Evaluation will serve as a springboard for ongoing development of the individual in their practice rather than as a platform from which sanctions are imposed if performance is "judged" to be inferior, inadequate or not meeting expectation. Second, professional development is the key to advancing practice to mastery. The extent to which principals will engage in meaningful professional development that is aligned to an assessment of their leadership skills will influence their ongoing development towards mastery of these principal leadership skills. Third, the theory which underlies existing evaluation practices for teachers can also support future evaluation practices for principals. Fourth, a standards-based evaluation system has the potential to influence principal behavior when incentives to enhance, support systems, and specific models for the leadership behaviors expected by districts are delineated.