Dissertation Writing Help - Personality Styles: The Impact on Innovation
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Innovation is becoming an increasingly important corporate goal in today's world, however developing and sustaining a successful innovation process is not an easy endeavour. Innovation, a human activity, is driven by diversity in thinking and approach. Managing human diversity is the key to successful innovation. The goal of this study is to advance the understanding of personality styles as an aspect of diversity and the impact this diversity has on innovation and creative performance. Despite a century of research human personality remains one of the most elusive and profound of all mysteries. For the last half-century personality assessment instruments have been designed and used to help understand human behaviour.
This study examines three of these instruments - The Four Ways System, The Enneagram Personality Profiler and The Orchid Model at the strategic level through experts who have designed or chosen a specific instrument in their organizational development work. It further delves into the experience of 10 participants following the introduction of one of these instruments - The Four Ways System, five years previous. The results of the research supported the hypothesis that it is through the systematic recognition and management of the diversity in skills and strengths of each personality type we find the key to successful innovation. Understanding the diversity of personality styles improves interpersonal communication and tolerance of others in their unique approach to work and problem solving.