
dissertation writing help - passing the torch

Dissertation writing help - Passing the torch ofsocial justice leadership

Custom Dissertation Writing Service on Passing the torch ofsocial justice leadership: leadership succession in socially just elementary schools

This study focuses on high achieving elementary schools that have undergone leadership transitions while sustaining improvement trends. Educational performance data has recognized groups of students that have not achieved at the same levels as other students resulting in significant achievement gaps. Present research has identified schools that have made dramatic improvements in achievement levels for these traditionally marginalized students. Thus, the manner in which improvement efforts are structured can further marginalize these students. Another body of work identifies social justice practices and principles. Research also indicates that when schools face leadership transitions, improvement efforts can be stalled or even regress.  Another body of research has shed light on characteristics and principles of sustainable leadership and how schools maintain improvement efforts across leadership transitions. Research has not examined leaders involved with these socially just schools sustain improvement efforts through transitions in leadership.

To address this gap, I will examine this research question: In socially just elementary schools undergoing leadership transitions, what actions have building and district level administrators taken before, during and after the transition to sustain improvement efforts? I will draw on a multi-case study design of three elementary schools that meet the criteria of being socially just and experienced a change in leadership to answer this research question. I will interview the district administrator, successor principal and predecessor principal. Documents related to improvement efforts and the succession process may be collected. To analyze the data, I will draw upon the constant comparative method. This study will contribute to the field by joining the literature and practice of leadership succession with social justice leadership.

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Term Paper: dissertation writing help - passing the torch
Reference No:- TGS0374800

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