Dissertation writing help - Factors That Influence Faculty Pursuance of Formal and Informal Leadership Opportunities
Custom Dissertation Writing Service on a Case Study of a Comprehensive Midwestern Technical College
As far back as 2001, the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) noted an urgent need to discover qualified leaders to replace those retiring and to check people with skills and competencies to match the rising demands on U.S. two-year colleges. Yet well over a decade later, the challenge remains. To strengthen the viability and contribution of this major segment of higher education, the effects of a mass exodus of leaders in technical colleges must be overcome. One potential solution to the leadership void is for technical college leaders to considerably increase the pool of qualified candidates from the faculty ranks. Faculty leadership has been identified as a leverage point in creating innovative and effective cultures within higher education institutions so critical for meeting today's challenges. Thus, it appears that limited research has thoroughly examined what factors might contribute to faculty participation in leadership opportunities. This study aims to better understand the motivating and mitigating factors related to faculty participation in leadership opportunities via a case study of a comprehensive Midwestern technical college. Understanding what forces has to be overcome and which will be leveraged in relation to faculty leadership participation will be key to informing policy and organizational solutions aimed at lessening the leadership crisis.