
dissertation writing help - baccalaureate

Dissertation writing help - Baccalaureate Completion in STEM

Custom Dissertation Writing Service - An Exploration of the Impact of Program Quality, Learning Experience and Academic Interaction

The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the impact of program quality, academic interaction and learning experience to help researchers understand the relations and effects of the these elected factors on student degree completion in the fields of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics (STEM). I hypothesize that the factors of academic interaction and program quality have effects on STEM major baccalaureate degree completion in higher learning institutions, as mediated by the factor of student learning experience. Using the survey data from Longitudinal Study of American Youth (LSAY) of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, this study will address two main research questions:

(1) Is a student's baccalaureate attainment in STEM related to college instructional factors of program quality and academic interactions, after accounting for pre-college postsecondary and characteristics enrollment intensity?

(2) After accounting for pre-college characteristics and postsecondary enrollment intensity, is the relationship between instructional factors and student's baccalaureate attainment mediated by the degree to which a student has a positive learning experience?

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Term Paper: dissertation writing help - baccalaureate
Reference No:- TGS0374837

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