
dissertation writing help - academic inclusive

Dissertation writing help - Academic inclusive practices

I need Custom Dissertation Writing Service on Academic inclusive practices

While literature exist describing academic inclusive practices or achievement in schools, little research examines high achieving, critically conscious, inclusive middle schools. Provided the gap in the literature, this study aspired to answer the subsequent question: What leadership actions support academic achievement, promote critical consciousness, and increase inclusive practices for all students, but particularly students with disabilities and English language learners? A theoretical framework based a definition of social justice that includes academic achievement, critical consciousness, and inclusive practices guided this qualitative multi-case study of three high achieving, importantly conscious, inclusive middle schools. Principals, teachers, directors of instruction, and directors of student services provided interview responses to answer the research question. This study is important because the findings inform leaders how to support academic achievement, promote critical consciousness, and increase inclusive practices for every child at the middle school level.

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Term Paper: dissertation writing help - academic inclusive
Reference No:- TGS0374849

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