
Dissertation topic - factors effecting real estate

Dissertation topic - Factors effecting real estate investment decisions in india

Research Proposal Feedback-

Q1. Is this a complete proposal featuring all the required elements?

Q2. Is this proposal of sufficient quality and coherent (with all parts fitting together)?

Q3. Does this proposal look feasible?

Q4. Questions to be addressed in consultation with your supervisor (up to three)

What is the connection of this topic and the two research questions to the learning outcomes of the IME program me? This is very weak at present, and it seems difficult to justify this topic for a dissertation. What other evidence is there to support the claims about the importance of India's real estate market, and its selection as the sole focus for this research? Why not look at other national markets in a comparative approach? What is the theoretical framework constituting a research interest here? What literature from or related to the IME program me will be mobilized? What is the sampling approach for the proposed 12¬15 interviews? What is the justification for an interview approach? The methodology section of the proposal is not acceptable; it reviews no method literature and does not include a valid research design. Note: A table of contents is given in the proposal but there are no page numbers in the main document.

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Case Study: Dissertation topic - factors effecting real estate
Reference No:- TGS01470651

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