
dissecting simple flowerslabel each of five cards

Dissecting simple flowers

Label each of five cards or pieces of White paper with one of the following words: stamens, pistil, petals,sepals,  receptacle.  Dissect a flower carefully and place the parts gently on the appropriate cards .

Some flowers can be pulled apart quite easily but a knife or scissors may be needed for others kind of flower. When we have a sufficient number of flowers available this exercise is most Important as an individual pupil activity. Simple flowers with a single  row of petals should be selected.Pick up one of the stamens and rub the anther lightly across a piece of black paper. Traces of pollen will usually be seen by you.Cut the ovary crosswise with a sharp knife gently and count the ovules or "seed pockets". Look for traces of seeds in the ovules

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Science: dissecting simple flowerslabel each of five cards
Reference No:- TGS0284253

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