Memory is a social and political construction. Discuss.
- The title must appear at the top of your first page as set out in the list attached (The title must not be altered or changed in any way)
- You should use spacing (1.5) and font size 12
- Correct spelling and appropriate paragraphing should be evident
- There should be no widows or orphans, i.e. headings left alone at the bottom of the page
- You should provide references for every citation within the text - omissions will be penalised - References should be written in accord with a referencing convention that is consistent with your major course of study, e.g. APA
Marks will be awarded for:
- Answering the question
- Observing academic conventions
- Adopting a clear and sophisticated style of writing
- Identifying and addressing key issues raised by the question
- Breadth and depth of relevant knowledge
- Depth of analysis, Clarity of argument, Soundness of argument
- Originality of argument
You might find these articles relevant to the topic
Baumeister, R. F. & Hastings, S. (1997). Distortions of collective memory: How groups flatter and deceive themselves. In J. W. Pennebaker, D. Paez, & B. Rimé. Collective memory of political events: Social psychological perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: LEA.
Liu, J. H., & Hilton, D. J. (2005). How the past weights on the present: Social representations of history and their role in identity politics. British Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 537-556.
Lászlo ´, J. (2003). History, identity and narratives. In J. Lászlo ´, & W. Wagner (Eds.), Theories and controversies in societal psychology (pp. 180-192). Budapest, Hungary: New Mandate.
Pennebaker, J. W., Paez, D., & Rime, B. (Eds.). (1997). Collective memory of political events: Social psychological perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: LEA.
1700 WORDS REQUIRED essay] and 300 words reflective writing, for reflective writing, I will send you the lecture slides and you will need to reflect upon those slide
to get mark:
Displays a systematic and sophisticated knowledge and understanding of the subject. Is extensively researched and shows a critical awareness of current issues within the field.
Original argument reflecting synthetically on the issues raised in the module. Authoritative and reflective use of supporting material.
Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of theoretical and critical concepts which includes the ability to reflect critically.
Excellently presented work that conforms to all required academic conventions. Written in a style that is lucid and precise.
Displays a strong and intelligent knowledge and understanding ofthe subject. Is extensively researched and referenced in breadth
and depth.