
Displayapplicationinformation which will provide the

Assignemnt: Lab, Design Program Description: Basic User Interface

This program creates the basic user interface code that can be used in the following week's iLab assignments. The assignment will help you get started using the programming environment and some practice with coding. You will also be able to re-use much, if not all, of the code in later assignments.

In this program, you will create the following methods:

1. DisplayApplicationInformation, which will provide the program user some basic information about the program.

2. DisplayDivider, which will provide a meaningful output separator between different sections of the program output.

3. GetInput, which is a generalized function that will prompt the user for a specific type of information, then return the string representation of the user input.

4. TerminateApplication, which provides a program termination message and then terminates the application.

Using these methods, you will construct a program that prompts the user for the following:

1. Your name, which will be a string data type =George Cabral
2. Your age, which will be an integer data type =30
3. The gas mileage for your car, which will be a double data type =35,000
4. Display the collected information

Also, note that the program should contain a well document program header.


//Program Header
//Program Name: Basic User Interface
//Programmer: George Cabral
//CIS247, Week 1 Lab

Start main

//declare variables input as string name as string age as integer
mileage as double

callDisplayDivider("Start Program")

callDisplayDivider("Get Name") set name = GetInput("Your Name")
display "Your name is: " + name

callDisplayDivider("Get Age") set input = GetInput("Your Age") set age = convert input to integer
display "Your age is: " + age

callDisplayDivider("Get Mileage") set input = GetInput("Gas Mileage") set mileage = convert input to double //display mileage to 2 decimal places
display "Your car MPG is: " + mileage


end main program procedure DisplayApplicationInformation

display "Welcome the Basic User Interface Program" display "CIS247, Week 1 Lab" display "Name: YOUR NAME"
display "This program accepts user input as a string, then makes the appropriate data conversion"

end procedure

procedureDisplayDivider(string outputTitle) display

+ outputTitle +

end procedure function GetInput(string inputType) as string
strInput as string

display "Enter the " + inputType get strInput


end function procedure TerminateApplication

display "Thank you for using the Basic User Interface program" exit application

end procedure

1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio and create a new project titled "CIS247C_WK1_Lab_LASTNAME".
2. Using the design, construct the methods.
3. Once the methods are constructed, use the design to create the main program.

Capture the results of each test and paste them into a Word document. Below is a sample program output.

• Put all of the Visual Studio Project files into a zip file.
• Upload the zip file, test plan, and screenshots (Word document).

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C/C++ Programming: Displayapplicationinformation which will provide the
Reference No:- TGS02352245

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