
Display the title and publisher of the most expensive book

Oracle : SQL. This is Database/SQL.

1. Display the title and publisher of the most expensive book based on the retail price.

2. List the ISBN and title of books published by the same publisher as Shortest Poems. Sort the results by ISBN in ascending order. Do not include Shortest Poems in the output.

3. Display the full name of every customer that has ordered more than one book . Sort the results on the number of books ordered in descending order, followed by the customer's last name in alphabetical order.

4. Display the title of every book, along with the number of copies sold. Sort the output in alphabetical order by title.

5. Display every customer#, along with the number of orders they have placed. Sort the output in ascending order by customer#.

6. Display the title and retail price of the most expensive book in each category. Sort the results in alphabetical order by category.

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Computer Engineering: Display the title and publisher of the most expensive book
Reference No:- TGS02880750

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