
Display the employees names with first letter capitalized

Create EMP and DEPT tables.

Firstly How to create a table?
Q1. Display all the records in emp table.
Q2. Display total number of records in emp table?
Q3. Display emp table with salary descending order
Q4. Display all the employees those who were joined in year 1961?
Q5. Display all the employees where employees hired before 01-MAR-2014
Q6. How to display current date?
Q7. Display the employee's names with first letter capitalized and all other letters lowercase for all employees whose name starts with J, A, or M
Q8. Display employees where length of ename is 5
Q9. Display maximum salary in emp table
Q10. Display all employees where ename start with J and ends with S

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Basic Computer Science: Display the employees names with first letter capitalized
Reference No:- TGS01157055

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