
Display only a list of files where the file name starts

Lab Assignment: Operating Systems

Working with Command-line (DOS) and Linux

The objective of this lab is to provide you with experience manipulating files in both DOS and Linux. You will be able to see the similarities and the differences.

This experience will be helpful for future courses in Operating Systems and Computer Maintenance.

Additional references:

• Microsoft Command Line Reference
• Essential DOS Commands
• Linux Tutorial

1. Setting Up your system

A. If you are working from a personal computer, you will have to turn on the Telnet Client

i. In Windows 7& 10

1) Click on the start button and in search box type: Control Panel

ii. In Windows 8

1) Click on the Search Icon(upper right corner) and in the search box type: Control Panel

iii. Click on Programs, click on Turn Windows features on or off

iv. Scroll down to Telnet Client, click the check box to select it, click OK

v. You may need to REBOOT the system so this change takes affect

2. Getting started

A. In Windows 7, 8 or 10, in the search box, type: cmd and press the enter keyto open the Command prompt in DOS

i. If you want to make this window larger:Right click on the title bar, click on Properties, click on the Layout tab
ii. In the Window Size section, you can change the width and height of the window

B. To allow you to compare the commands in both DOS and Linux, you can open a second command prompt window

3. Starting DOS

A. For DOS, you will need to download and unzip the Lab6Folderin the root directory of your computer

i. If working on campus, make sure you unzip the folder on your Z:\ drive or a flash drive, usually E:\ drive
ii. If working from a personal computer, it is best to create the folder in the C:\ drive

B. Once the zip file is in the correct location, right click the folder to unzip it to the root directory: C:\ or E:\ or Z:\

C. The lab will use these folders and files to complete the lab for DOS

D. Navigate to the Lab6Folder by typing cd Lab6Folder. Type dir to look at the contents in the directory.

4. Starting Linux

A. Select one of the windows and at the command prompt type:

telnet cstlinux.dyndns.org

B. This will bring you to the log in screen to allow remote access to Linux

C. At the log in prompt, type: cst119

D. At the password prompt, type: cst119

i. YOU WILL NOT SEE ANYTHING ON THE SCREEN as you type the password, just press the enter key when done, the window now in Linux should look similar to this:

E. For Linux, you will need to navigate to your class section folder. Type ls to list the folders. Type cd foldername to change directories to your class section.

i. For example, if you are in the online class change to the CST119Y01 directory. (Remember that Linux is case sensitive)

F. In each section folder, there is a folder named Lab10Folder; navigate to this folder

G. The lab will use these folders and files to complete the lab for Linux

5. After you complete each command request, you will be using the Snipping Toolor Alt-PrntScr keys to copy the results into the worksheet (Type Snipping Tool in the Search window)

6. You should clear the Window screen so the Window is empty before you attempt each task

7. The DOS header on a page is shown shaded inORANGEand Linux is shown shaded inGREEN

8. Insert a header in this file with your name. Save this worksheet file as YourLastNameFirstInitialLab6

9. Submit this word document to your instructor by the due date and time listed in Blackboard 

Task 1D DOS

Navigate to the Lab6Folder

(Starting hint: If at BCC, go to the Z:\ drive by typing Z: then Enter. Then navigate to the Lab6Folder.)

Task 1L Linux

Navigate to your class directory first: CST119-01, CST119-02, CST119-03, CST119-04, Or CST119Y01

Navigate to the Lab10Folder

(Note: at one point, this lab was Lab10, so the folder is still named Lab10 in Linux.

Task 2D DOS

List the directory of files and folders in the Lab6Folder

Task 2L Linux

List the directory of files and folders in the Lab10Folder

Task 3D DOS

Navigate to the F1 folder in the Lab6Folder

Display ONLY a list of files with the docx extension

Task 3L Linux

Navigate to the F1 folder in the Lab10Folder

Display ONLY a list of files with the docx extension

Task 4D DOS

With your cursor in the F1 folder in the Lab6Folder:

Display ONLY a list of files where the file name starts with OS

Task 4L Linux

With your cursor in the F1 folder in the Lab10Folder:

Display ONLY a list of files where the file name starts with OS

Task 5D DOS

Move up one level in the directory from the F1 folder in the Lab6Folder

Task 5L Linux

Move up one level in the directory from the F1 folder in the Lab10Folder

Type pwd to verify your location.

Task 6D DOS

From the Lab6Folder, move to the F2 folder

Display a list of files in this directory

Create a txt file named


Type your name, your professor's name in the file. Save and Close the file.

List the files now in the F2 folder

Type the contents of the txt file that you just created

Task 6L Linux

From the Lab10Folder, move to the F2 folder

Display a list of files in this directory

Create a txt file named, yourLastName.txt

Type your name, your professor's name in the file. Save and Close the file.

List the files now in the F2 folder

Type the contents of the txt file that you just created

Task 7D DOS

Change the name of the file in the F2 folder to yourLastNameV2.txt

Display a list of files in the F2 folder

Task 7L Linux

Change the name of the file in the F2 folder to yourLastNameV2.txt

Display a list of files in the F2 folder

Task 8D DOS

Make a copy of the file, yourLastNameV2.txt and name it yourLastNameV3.txt

Display a list of files in the F2 folder

Task 8L Linux

Make a copy of the file, yourLastNameV2.txt and name it yourLastNameV3.txt

Display a list of files in the F2 folder

Task 9D DOS

Create a new directory in the F2 folder named yourLastNameFolder

Move the file, yourLastNameV3.txt to the folder yourLastNameFolder in the F2 folder

Change to the folder yourLastNameFolder

List the directory of files

Task 9L Linux

Create a new directory in the F2 folder named yourLastNameFolder

Move the file, yourLastNameV3.txt to the folder yourLastNameFolder in the F2 folder

Change to the folder yourLastNameFolder

List the directory of files

Task 10D DOS

Navigate back to the Lab6Folder

List the directory recursively from Root directory

Task 10L Linux

Navigate back to the Lab10Folder

List the directory recursively from Root directory

Task 11D DOS

From the Lab6Folder, navigate to the F3 folder
Display a list of files in this directory

Display a of list of files with the gif extension

Type the contents of the file File1B.txt

Task 11L Linux

From the Lab10Folder, navigate to the F3 folder
Display a list of files in this directory

Display of list of files with the gif extension

Type the contents of the file File1B.txt

Task 12D DOS

In the F3 folder find the word "fun" in all the txt files

Task 12L Linux

In the F3 folder find the word "fun" in all the txt files

Task 13D DOS

Check the packet speed from Facebook.com

Task 13L Linux

Check the packet speed from Facebook.com

Task 14D DOS

Display the name and version of the OS

Task 14L Linux

Display the name and version of the OS

Task 15D DOS

Navigate back the to the Lab6Folder from the F3 folder

List the folders and files in this directory using the tree command

Display the host name of the computer

Task 15L Linux

Navigate back the to the Lab10Folder from the F3 folder

List the folders and files in this directory using the tree command

Display the host name of the computer.

Attachment:- Lab-Assignment.rar

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Operating System: Display only a list of files where the file name starts
Reference No:- TGS02492685

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