
Display all employees names last name first and then first

1: Display the character constant 'Greeting' with a column heading of 'Hello.'

2: Display all data from the Products table without specifying the names of the table columns. Order the results by Product Name.

3: Display all employees' names, last name first, and then first name, and hire date. Order the results by employee name, last name first, and then first name.

4: Modify query 3 so that the column headings are as follows: 'Last Name,' 'First Name,' and 'Date of Hire'.

5: Display all fields from the Sales Order detail for all products that have a unit price greater than $50. Order the results by unit price in descending order.

6: Display the Sales Order Id, Ship Date, and Freight of all orders that have a freight greater or equal to 50 and less than or equal to 1000.

7: Select the Employee's First Name, concatenated to the Last name, separated by a space. Call the column 'Employee Name,' the length of this employee name Length, the location of the first 'a' in the name 'A Location,' and the 3-5 characters from the name 'Substring.' Order the results by the Employee Name using the alias.

8: For each customer, show the number of orders placed, and the largest, smallest and total freight ordered. Only show those customers whose total freight is greater than $1000.

9: Display all product columns for products that are red and black and have a list price greater than or equal to $400 and less than or equal to $800. Use the keywords BETWEEN and IN.

10: Rewrite  9 to remove the use of BETWEEN and IN, and replace with the equivalent use of =, <, >, /= and AND and OR expressions.

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PL-SQL Programming: Display all employees names last name first and then first
Reference No:- TGS01122348

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