Query 1. How many products have standard price less than 1000?
Query 2: Display all attributes for products made of "Cherry" from Product table w/o referring to column names.
Query 3: Display all product names having "b" in their names on the 3-rd place from the end.
Query 4: For what ship addresses from CustomerShipAddress_T ShipZip is not assigned?
Query 5: List all product name and product line name for products that belong to product lines ‘Classical' and ‘Modern'
Query 6: What are different customer ids for customers who placed orders? Sort them out by customer id from low to high.
Query 7: List customer names who placed orders and sort them out by name.
Query 8: Display OrderID and number of items for each order as "NumberOfItems" for orders having more than one item.
Query 9: Display product name and ordered quantity where ordered quantity is more than 10.
Query 10: Display order id, product name and ordered quantity where ordered quantity is more than 10. AND OL.OrderedQuantity > 10;