
Display a list of all services that are sorted by status

Answer the given questions and also justify your answers with appropriate examples

Question 1- Display a list of all services that are sorted by Status are displayed by groups in a Table.

Question 2- Export a list of properties for all services, sorted by Status into a web page names C:\test\service.htm. Show Status, ServiceName, and the DisplayName in the web page

Question 3 - You are asked to log the services that are running each day. Export the name of each running services to a CSV file named C:\test\runService.csv. Ensure that the only property exported is the Name property.

Question 4 - Import the C:\Test\runService.csvfile and sort the list in descending order. Output this list to theC:\test\runService_descend.txt file.

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Computer Engineering: Display a list of all services that are sorted by status
Reference No:- TGS0966368

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