
Disorders to investigate

Choose one of the given disorders to investigate:

a. Repressed memories
b. Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)
c. Coprolalia
d. Wendigo Psychosis
e. Gambling
f. Stockholm Syndrome
g. Diogenes Syndrome

Present a thorough overview of the selected disorder. Your audience has no prior knowledge of this disorder; thus, be sure your descriptions are relevant to your audience. When writing your paper, it is critical that you convey all the essential information in a straightforward manner by using non-technical language. Support your analysis with at least five scholarly, peer-reviewed sources (not comprising the course text) that were published in the last five years. Your Final Paper should comprise the following:

1. Define the disorder and its main symptoms.

2. Explain who is most likely to have this disorder with regard to age, gender, social class and ethnicity.

3. Summarize the risk factors (biological, psychological, and/or social) for this disorder.

4. Explain the relationship between this disorder and other disorders.

5. Assess recommended treatments for the disorder and the likelihood of success or possible outcomes for each treatment.

6. List five references (comprise both print and web-based) which would give more information for individuals with this disorder. Give the citation for the source and also a two to three sentence description for each resource. This list of support resources will not count toward the needed resources for your paper.

7. Apply what you have learned during the course from this assignment to your career (present and future). What information have you found to be the most helpful or relevant?

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Other Subject: Disorders to investigate
Reference No:- TGS015619

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