
disorders of the pancreas -i diabetes mellitus


(i) Diabetes mellitus (Hypoinsulinism)

  • The insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is caused by a failure of the Beta-cells to produce adequate amounts of insulin while the non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) appears to involve failure of insulin to facilitate the movement of glucose into cells.
  • Glucose is excreted by urine, if amount of glucose is in excess in the blood, this is known as "Hyperglycemia". In this stage, amount of glucose in blood increases upto > 180 mg./dl. of blood. It is diabetes mallitus disease.
  • Polyurea, polydipsia (the patient feel thirsty), keto acidosis (ketone bodies formed in the body).
  • The combined effect of ketoacidosis, dehydration and hyperglycemia may cause diabetic comma to the patient, patient becomes unconscious and even may die.
  • Insulin harmone is given to the patient by injection in this disease, insulin given orally is not effective, because it is digested in the alimentary canal like protein.
  • Now a days oral insulin is used in following states - (a) IZS - Insulin zinc suspension (b) PZI - Protamine zinc insulin

Hyperinsulinism - Hypoglycemia

  • Glucose decreases in blood.
  • Insulin shock - At the time of physical labour or fasting, if a diabetic patient takes an insulin injection, sugar level in blood reduces quickly up to 43 mg/100 ml of blood. It is called insulin shock. The patient may be unconscious or even may die.

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Biology: disorders of the pancreas -i diabetes mellitus
Reference No:- TGS0162369

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