
Diseases of the circulatory- a patient is being discharged

Make sure your primary post is substantial (5 sentences minimum) and list any references used.  You will need to write two response posts (3 sentences minimum) to either two of your classmates and/or to one of the instructor's follow-up questions or comments.  In order to broaden the discussion, the class should avoid answering the same question

Choose one of the following questions to answer:

Diseases of the Circulatory - Code the following and explain the official guideline it falls under:

  • A patient is being discharged from the hospital today after having an angiogram of the lower extremities for deep vein thrombosis and treatment with anticoagulants. During his hospital stay, he developed an embolism that was also successfully treated. How would you code this?

Diseases of the Respiratory System - Code the following and explain the official guideline it falls under: 

  • An 80-year-old smoker is seen in the ER suffering from RDS with hemorrhage into the lung. He is stabilized for admission. How would you code this?

Diseases of the Circulatory - Code the following and explain the official guideline it falls under: 

  • A clinic patient, after multiple studies, is diagnosed with a fatty cirrhotic liver and chronic pancreatitis with alcoholism. Since the physician must rule out both liver and pancreatic cancer, the patient is sent for consultation. How would you code this?

Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium - Code the following and explain the official guideline it falls under:

  • The UTI of a 32 yr. old pregnant female is found to be positive for E coli when cultured. How would you code this?

Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue - Code the following and explain the official guideline it falls under:

  • A 59-year-old female patient taking prednisone for her rheumatoid arthritis developed osteoporosis due to long-term use. She was bicycling with her granddaughter and fell, sustaining a closed femoral neck fracture. How would you code this?

Injury and Poisoning Coding Prep - Code the following and explain the official guideline it falls under. 

  • During a recent mosh pit session a teenager wakes up with contusions on the face, chest, and arms. How would you code this?

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Dissertation: Diseases of the circulatory- a patient is being discharged
Reference No:- TGS02159734

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