
diseases due to protein-calorie malnutridonthe

Diseases due to Protein-Calorie malnutridon:

The developing countries of the world today are faced with diseases due to Protein-Calorie malnutrition.  The most affected group are the little babies and children of the poor and uneducated class, which constitute a majority of our population. Two severe diseases due to deficiency of proteins and protein-calorie are Kwashiorkar and Marasmus,  respectively. Millions of children die annually and millions more go through a miserable life. They retard the child's physical growth and weaken  its natural  immunity to various infections.

In extreme cases, children are mentally retarded and they never reach maturity and thus become a burden to the family and the nation. Kwashiorkar This disease was first recognised in  1935,  in African children and it  is named from two words of an African dialect, meaning first and second, i.e.  sickness that strikes the first child, when he is soon displaced at his mother's breast by  the second born. 



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Science: diseases due to protein-calorie malnutridonthe
Reference No:- TGS0161907

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